Frequently asked questions
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Course Related
Which courses are a good fit for me?
This is dependent on the learner’s current skill set. If you have any questions about a given course and its suitability for you, please reach out to us through email help@aibrilliance.com by attaching your CV.
What is the admission process for your courses? Which courses are a good fit for me?
Our courses are interest and upskilling interest-driven. We do not have any specific admission criteria. If you have any questions about a given course and its suitability for you, please reach out to us through email help@aibrilliance.com by attaching your CV.
Who are our programs for?
Our programs are for anyone interested in upskilling in the cutting-edge domain of data science, machine learning, and AI. Most of our students are college students, young working professionals who want to make a career switch in the data science and machine learning domain, and experienced mid-career managers who wish to update their knowledge base.
Do I need any particular laptop, computers, or software for attending online courses?
All you need are 1) desktop computer or laptop that has common internet browsers installed on them, 2) Decent internet connection that allows video streaming or video play, and 3) A microphone and headset combo that allows you to listen and speak during interactive sessions.
Wheat if I need additional time to complete a given course?
We have structured our program to provide a cushion for additional time to learn the concepts and achieve their learning goals by the end of the course. However, exceptions are always there. We will make accommodations on a need basis.
Can you offer courses in the in-person setting?
It depends! Currently, our paid courses are offered mainly in synchronous online mode. However, we can work with you to provide in-person courses too! Please contact us using the contact us form on our website.
Do your courses have industry-related projects?
All the courses at AIBrilliance use hand-on mini-projects and capstone projects. The mini-projects and capstone projects use real situations and data that are encountered in the industry. The capstone project can be customized to fit the learner’s choice of a domain such as finance, tech, manufacturing, and logistics, etc.
Enrollment Related
What will I have access to after I log in as a free user?
Post logging on to the website, you will have access to all the free courses and free content. The free courses are offered in asynchronous mode. You will have access to recorded videos, course pdf documents, and python notebooks related to the course. This is a great way to experience our platform. However, premium features such as live lectures and help from coding assistants are only available in premium paid course mode.
What will I have access to after I make payments for a paid course?
Post logging on to the website, you will have access to course pdf documents and python notebooks related to the course. You will be able to access the zoom meeting links for live lectures and coding sessions. Additionally, you will be able to access zoom meeting links for weekly in-person coding assistant office hours for asking in-person questions.
How long will it take to access a course I enrolling?
Whether free or paid, you should have access to the course content instantly (5-10 minutes at most).
Can I enroll in multiple courses simultaneously?
Yes, you can. However, we encourage you to enroll in different courses in a sequence that gives you a maximum learning experience.
Will I receive a certificate after the completion of a course?
Yow will receive a certificate after completion of a course at AIBrilliance (free and paid for both!). However, we do not provide a certificate for one-day introductory workshops.
Do you offer job-related assistance?
If you have completed our course, we will provide a personal reference to a company planning to hire you.
Do you offer any fee discounts?
Yes, we have several categories of fee discounts for females, veterans, and employee education programs. Additionally, we allow you to transfer the workshop fee when you enroll for an entire course. Please contact us for more details.
Do you refund fees for an enrolled course?
We allow for fee refund only in extenuating circumstances! There will be fees applied even in extenuating circumstances case.