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Women in Data Science

The number of women in the data science field, especially minority women, is low compared to men. Let's reverse that trend! AlBrilliance offers tuition discounts for women pursuing our programs. Are you interested in applying? 
Please get in touch!

Veterans GI Bill

Gl Bill benefits helps veterans to pay for variety of training
programs. Veterans can use their Gl Bill Benefit to learn
data science and machine learing courses on our platform
Are you interested in finding out how? Please get in fouch!

Employer Tuition Assistance

If your employer supports your continuing education, then you can avail of our employer tuition assistance program. In this case, the company you work for could help pay part or
all of the cost of your tuition related to different courses on our platform.

Corporate Training Discount

High quality corporate data science and machine learning programs for upskilling the workforce are hard to find! We can deliver both in-person and online specialized courses to upskill corporate teams at specialized corporate rates.
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