Empower Your High Schooler's College and Career Trajectory in the Field of Artificial Intelligence

Data Science, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning - High School  Research Program and Hybrid Online Bootcamp
Data Science, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence classes, programming tutorials and project-based activities for students in the age group of 14-18 years.
ai data science course

Personalized Research Project and Publication Track

AI Data Science Machine Learning
Cohort-based Courses

Year Round
Cohort-based Hybrid K-12 Online Boot Camps

Why participate in our research track and hybrid online bootcamp?

  • Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to prepare your high schooler for a great future in a domain that is not focused on classes during the busy school year?
  • Are you finding it difficult to motivate your high schooler to pursue a college education in the STEM field?
  •  Are you tired of not being able to fuel your high schooler's passion in the non-traditional next-generation field such as AI and Machine Learning?
  • Learn real employable skills boosting your college/career trajectory.

  • Project-based active learning approach in a group setting to build up coding and entrepreneur skills.

  • Small group and like-minded cohort-based learning that encourages peer learning and problem-solving skills through an enriching academic program.

  • Exposure to the latest state-of-the-art technology that is currently not present in the high school curriculum.

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Build your dream career in

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Meet research track and camp co-ordinator

Camp Co-Ordinator Dr. Rahul Rai Clemson University  professor

Our Mission

“To create an impactful Data Science and Artificial Intelligence high school research project publication track and online hybrid camps that provides opportunities for students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.“

Frequently Asked Questions

What will students learn in online camp?

Students will learn the basics of Data Science, Machine Learning, and Python programming concepts. The course is designed in an interactive, hands-on activity and project-based learning (PBL) model that encourages high school students to grasp fundamental concepts. Students will collect and analyze data to generate useful insights and even build simple AI and machine learning models. The focus is on foundational concepts and python programming for better understanding and knowledge.

How will instruction for research track be conducted?

Instructions will be delivered in traditional in-person mode at specific venues. See the list of options for different venues at which the summer camps will be offered.

Will I receive a certificate after the completion of online camp?

You will receive a certificate after the successful completion of the summer camp.

What technology is required?

A laptop or tablet is preferable. We will also provide a limited number of tablets to use in a group setting. All software that will be used in the summer camp is free and can be accessed through a web browser.

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